Nieuw ! Ontdek de nieuwe sneetjes Den Belg. 100% Belgische kaas. Perfect voor boterhammen, sandwiches of croques.
Als aperitief
Ontdek onze kazen die zorgvuldig werden uitgekozen op basis van smaak en kwaliteit. Ideaal om bij het aperitief gezellig samen te delen.
Geraspte biokazen
Geraspte biokazen met 100% smaak, zonder kunstmatige additieven! Ontdek onze selectie geraspte kazen op basis van biomelk van boerderijen met een hart voor de natuur en het dierenwelzijn. Op en top genieten, met respect voor de natuur.
Geraspte kazen
Geraspte kazen: 100% smaak, zonder kunstmatige additieven! Vache Bleue is als Belgisch bedrijf al sinds 1927 gespecialiseerd in kazen. En biedt een uitgebreid assortiment heerlijke geraspte kazen aan. Om lekker te genieten op elk moment.
Op je boterham
Lekker, praktisch en met respect voor de planeet. Smul van heerlijke kaassneetjes op je boterham! Nu in een nieuwe praktische verpakking met 41% minder plastic dan een klassieke verpakking met plastic schaaltje.
Hongertjes? Een heerlijk tussendoortje van 100% natuurlijke kaas voor als je zin hebt in iets lekkers… En bovendien een gezonder alternatief dan de traditionele snacks!
Cook easy
Ontdek onze mengelingen met 3 geraspte kazen voor nog meer smaak. Perfect om mee te koken, 100% smaak en zonder kunstmatige additieven. Onze kaasmengelingen zijn zorgvuldig samengesteld om de beste bakresultaten te garanderen. Puur plezier voor al je gerechten!
Hongertjes? Een heerlijk tussendoortje van 100% natuurlijke kaas voor als je zin hebt in iets lekkers… En bovendien een gezonder alternatief dan de traditionele snacks!
Mix Fondue
Den Belg Caractere
Den Belg Zacht
Mix Sauce op Belgische wijze
Geraspte Emmental
Duo Gruyère & Emmental
Geraspte Emmental Light
Geraspte Cheddar
Mix Pasta bio
Mix Gratin
Mix Pizza
Mix Pasta
Cheddar blok
Fun Cheese
De Smurfen
Feestelijke boompjes: krokante rösti en romanesco
Maispannenkoekjes met cheddar
Halloween-pompoenen met Emmental
Pannenkoek met ham en kaas
Pannenkoeken van champignons en kaas mille-feuille
De Smurfen
Pizza Wrap | String Kaaskorst
Aardappelgratin met zalm & spinazie
Ajuinsoep met kaas korstje
Aubergine rolletjes uit de oven
Bloemkool in krokant korstje
Brioche met pesto
Broccolibrood met Emmental
Caesar pasta salade met emmentaler
Cheddarkrokantje met krab en avocado
Cordon bleu en pompoenpuree
Courgette mini pizza's
Courgettelasagne zonder pasta
Courgettewaaier met cheddar
Croque cake
Driekoningentaart met ham & kaas
Eiwraps met tonijn en avocado
Fleurige groentetaart
Gegratineerde elleboogjes met spekjes & witloof
Gegratineerde kip met butternut
Gegratineerde tagliatelle en prei
Gegratineerde zomergroentjes
Gevulde pastaschelpjes met parmaham
Gevulde koolbladeren
Gevulde minipompoen met kaas
Gnocchi met tomatensaus
Gratin van crozets en prei
Griezelige mini pizza's
Groenteroosjes gratin
Kaasfondue met stokbrood en gegrilde groenten
Kaaskoekje met geraspte groenten en zoete aardappel
Krokante quiche met ratatouille
Lentesalade met cheddar
Mac & Cheese met courgette en spinazie
Mini cheeseburgers met cheddar
Paprika gevuld met gehakt in tomatensaus
Parmentier schotel
Pastataart met bolognesesaus
Pizza bianca
Pizza met krokante groentjes
Pizza rolls
Pompoengnocchi met chorizo & rozemarijn
Puree met waterkers, emmentaler & ham
Quiche van rösti en prei
Rijst soufflé
Rijstkroketjes met cheddar
Risotto van coquillettes, pancetta & erwtjes
Rollade van gehaktbrood met groenten & kaas
Rösti pizza
Rösti’s & salsa van tomaat, mango en avocado
Scones met emmentaler
Soep met broccoli & cheddar
Spinazieschotel met gegratineerde eieren
Spiraaltaart met spinazie
Strudel van wintergroenten
Taart met kip, appels & cheddar
Taartjes met kwarteleitjes & kerstomaatjes
Tuna melt patatoskin
Turkse pizza met vlees
Vegetarische nacho's met cheddar
Velouté van kastanje & 3 kazen baguette
Witloof quiche met spekjes of zalm
Wrap pizza met kip, courgette & paprika
Zoete aardappel uit de oven
Het Kerst labyrint
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Cijfers verbinden met Luie Smurf
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Het doolhof van Azraël
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Kleurplaat van Babysmurf
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Kleurplaat van Smurfin
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Kerstfeest bij de Smurfen: zoek de 7 fouten
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Het doolhof van de Smurfen
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General Terms of Sales Belux
I. General
- The customer expressly acknowledges that only the present general terms and conditions apply between the parties. The absence of any objection on our part to the provisions referring to the customer’s general terms and conditions shall not in any circumstances be construed as acceptance of the customer’s general terms and conditions.
- The nullity of a clause of the general terms and conditions does not lead to the nullity of the other clauses. The remaining clauses shall retain their full validity and effect.
- The fact that we do not invoke a clause of these general terms and conditions does not in any way mean that we waive the rights which we can derive from it.
II. Offer and order
- Our price offers are based on the cost of salaries and products in force at the time our offers are submitted and are expressly subject to any changes which may occur in these costs.
- An order is only taken into consideration from the moment that we receive the copy of our offer, duly dated and signed for agreement by the customer.
- The customer has the contractual option of renouncing his order up to 24 (working) hours before the delivery date. He will then owe an irreducible fixed compensation of
- 15% of the value of the order if the cancellation is made at least 30 calendar days before the scheduled delivery date;
- 30% of the value of the order if the cancellation is made at least between the 30th and 15th calendar day and the 15th calendar day before the intended delivery date;
- 50% of the order value if the cancellation is made less than 15 calendar days before the scheduled delivery date. Cancellations made less than 24 working hours before delivery will not result in a price reduction.
- Orders accepted by our representatives are only binding after our written order confirmation.
III. PaymentT
- Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, invoices shall be payable in cash in Lillois-Witterzee. We do not waive this right when we receive bills of exchange from the purchaser.
- In the event of non-payment of the invoice on the due date, the client shall automatically and without prior notice be liable for interest at the rate specified in Article 5 of the Law of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions. In addition, he shall be liable, ipso jure and without prior notice of default, for a lump sum compensation equal to 10% of the amount of the invoice (with a minimum of EUR 125) to cover the administrative and commercial costs incurred.
- Non-payment of an invoice results in all the other invoices becoming due for payment.
- Any claim against an invoice shall be made in writing, stating the date and number of the invoice, within eight days of the invoice date, failing which the invoice shall be deemed to have been accepted.
IV. Transport
- The goods are shipped at the customer’s risk, even if the shipment is made freight prepaid delivery (“franco”). The transport and postage costs are at the expense of the customer, unless explicitly provided otherwise.
- Upon receipt of closed crates or cartons, the addressee is requested to check the contents immediately as we do not accept any subsequent complaint for faulty packaging.
- Weight loss is at the expense of the customer.
- Defective packaging must be returned to our head office in Lillois-Witterzee carriage paid within 8 days from the date of receipt. The client must ensure that the conservation and return take place under appropriate conditions.
V. Delivery
- Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, delivery dates are given as a guide line only. The customer shall be informed immediately of any foreseeable delays in delivery. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the delay of a delivery, the non-delivery of ordered goods or the absence of information about these circumstances.
- No complaint concerning the quality or conformity of the goods shall be accepted after more than 3 days from receipt of the goods.
VI. Dissolution and suspension
- In case of delay in or difficulties with the delivery of the ordered goods or part thereof, for reasons independent of our will, we reserve the right to notify the customer of the complete or partial cancellation or suspension of the order. This will not lead to any compensation.
- We can dissolve the agreement, subject to notification by registered letter to the customer, if the latter is declared bankrupt, applies for a concordat or for suspension of payment, ceases trading, goes into liquidation or if his creditworthiness has been seriously affected, inter alia, as a result of a seizure of goods and/or assets.
- We shall also be entitled to dissolve or suspend the agreement, subject to notification by registered letter to the customer, if the latter fails to fulfil his obligations, such as but not limited to his obligation to pay the invoices.
- We are not liable for the consequences of the dissolution or suspension of the agreement which are brought to the attention of the customer in accordance with these general terms and conditions.
VII. Retention of title
- Without prejudice to the above provisions, the goods ordered shall remain our property until paid for in full by the customer.
VIII. Liability
- At the time of placing the goods on the market, the customer shall check and ensure the quality of the goods and shall take out an insurance with an insurance company against all risks of exploitation and commercialisation, waiving any claim against the responsible third party/parties. Except in the case of fraud or voluntary error, we shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential damage (loss of image, loss of customers, loss of market, etc.) resulting from an error in the execution of the order and/or from a lack of quality of the delivered products. In case our liability has been sufficiently proven, our liability for direct damages is limited to the value of the delivered goods.
IX. Jurisdiction and applicable law
- Subject to the right of Vache Bleue to bring the dispute before the courts of the debtor’s place of domicile, the disputes between the parties fall within the exclusive competence of the courts of Nivelles.
- Only Belgian law is applicable.